Restorative Dentistry
Failed Large Fillings Composite, Failed Large Fillings Amalgam, Composite Filling Anterior, Composite Filling (Posterior), Inlay CAD/CAM, Filling vs. Crown CAD/CAM, Onlay CAD/CAM
Failed Large Fillings Composite
This video shows how an aging composite filling can cause cracks in teeth.
Failed Large Fillings Amalgam
This video shows how an aging amalgam filling can cause cracks in posterior teeth.
Composite Filling Anterior
This video shows you how a composite filling can be used to restore a damaged front tooth to its natural strength and appearance.
Composite Filling (Posterior)
This video shows you how a composite filling restores a damaged or decayed tooth to its natural strength and appearance.
This video shows you how an inlay can be used to restore a decayed or damaged tooth to its proper function using CAD/CAM 3-D technology.
Filling vs. Crown CAD/CAM
This video shows you the differences between a filling and a crown made using CAD/CAM 3-D technology to repair decayed or damaged teeth.
This video shows you how an onlay rebuilds a tooth that has damage to one or more cusps and restores it to optimal shape and function using CAD/CAM 3-D technology.